Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lol. Been having too much Organizational Behavior aka People and Organization. Nothing much seems to go in my brain. Help. I'm running out of time.So I decided to take a break and BLOG. Guess what? My break started 2 hours ago. Great.

I need to " LOVE " it in order to understand it deeper and passionately. Haha. I'm bored. That's the result of staying at home for almost 20 hours a day. Doing silly things and having silly blog updates.
It's time for F.R.I.E.N.D.S.!!
Even thought they're ancient but they never fail to give me a good laugh.It just makes me realize that I'm not the silliest person on Earth. There's someone out there who's sillier than me.

♥ OB aka P&O


  1. hey hey,nice pic~ ^^
    how r u recently?see u seems like headache with ur study~haha

  2. Tai lou =)
    Exam very very near d.
    Stress ar.

  3. haha~don worry la,i believe u can eh!!
    jz relax n go fill in the blank during exam can d.
    there is nth to worry bout one,tai lou popi u!! ^^

  4. Hahaha. Thanks lots Tai Lou! =)
