Saturday, November 5, 2011

My recent addiction : Sex and the City
I know this series has been ancient but thanks to Iman who kept on telling me it is a must watch. And yeah. I've been totally obsessed over that series now. Everyone has the impression that Sex and the City is all about sex, mainly because of the title. But wrong!! It's not all about sex, in fact they focused more on the friendship of 4 single ladies in their living in fabulous New York life and in search of their Mr.Right. When I was small and this show kept showing on HBO, I don't even have the guts to turn to this channel. All thanks to the title. Innocent little girl is afraid that her parents later thought she is watching porn. Hahaha.
I tried to watch during secondary school but I find it boring cos whatever life they're having or the topics that they talk about is too deep for me to understand as a secondary girl with no life. Lol. But as time pass by,I totally understand what they are going through. I'm making myself sound so matured.Lol. I felt that I could really relate to them in terms of their worries, friendship,and men. Minus the *** part of course . XD
It really got me thinking, if I'm not married by the age of thirty something, will I be like them? - Single,Unmarried,Fabulous, Successful Thirty something with BIG needs? =)
We shall see my how life goes.