Monday, February 22, 2010

Now I'm starting to feel sad.After getting the result, i realised that my course is ending real soon.Everyone seems to go different way.2 years this fast? Not fair! I gotta admit that I'm really lucky to have a bunch of classmates that could become best of friends aka buddies aka girlfriends and not to forget LEE JAMIE.I'm gonna miss you guys.
Everyone's going to be separated soon =(
Nvm, still a few months.2 months? Need to fully utilize this 2 months.Hmmm..

9.45 am- That's the time lecture had ended.We went Subway for breakfast and went over to JJ's place for some serious "business" and tadaa.. we girls had our photo time! Oh ya, results was out today and i got an okay result.Enough for me to graduate and pass my diploma.

and this wasn't me..