Treat her like you would want a man to treat your sister, In other words, treat her as a person, not an object. Really treat her like a princess and always try and give her comments that make her feel good rather than put her down
Listen to her opinions or ideas. Appreciate her as she is and never underestimate her intelligence. Treat her as an equal. Call her in advance to make plans to go out and never assume that she doesn’t have anything better already scheduled..
Listen to her and respond in a non-condescending manner. Be there for her if she’s crying or upset by holding her. Compliment her… if you think she is beautiful say it! “beautiful” is so much more respectful than “hot”. Love and learn to appreciate her for who she is, as well as her body type. Don’t try and change her physically, just love her natural beauty.
Hold hands with her on the street…don’t be ashamed to be romantic and when you meet up with your friends, introduce her. Don’t ever cheat on her…talk things through.
Be a gentleman! Look out for her feelings, accept her values/morals, be interested in her life, ask her what’s going on, be helpful, never put her down, if she’s wrong don’t go out of your way to prove her. Be nice and treat her like she is special. Don’t push her to do things she is not ready for. Treat her with respect and pay attention to the small things.
Don’t put her down, or make her feel uncomfortable when you are hanging out together with your friends or your parents, Stand up for her, if one of your friends puts her down, confront them and tell them that it is not okay.