Friday, June 5, 2009

Ever wonder what we girls will do when we are forced to attend boring lectures? We love to do silly things.Like for example, we created a story for Jam Jam's Lil Moo Moo Cow. We treated it with ice creams,bring it to watch Monster Vs Aliens, send it home.But the lil moo moo cow hates the 'curtain-hairstyled' lecturer(her hair is too straight that it swings like a curtain,so one of my classmate-Mr.Wilson Poh decided to give her the nickname). But a the end,Lil Moo Moo Cow decided to hang itself out of boredom and rest in peace happily ever after..

P.S: While I'm typing this,I'm eating this super salty 'Char Hor Fun'.It's seriously a no wonder I could gain weight easily.Seriously I'm fat.Gonna lose that fat one day.One day...

The Lil Moo Moo Cow Story

Moo Moo Cow Story by us,Shelle and Jam Jam