Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Moon is For saleeee........

Hey you could actually buy a piece of the moon from this website.

And it's only $18.95 for the whole package which is equivalent to RM63.96580912.

and inside the package, you'll get

  • the deed certificate engraved with the owner's name
  • info sheet that contains geographic feature in which your property is located
  • digital satellite photograph
  • a membership in Lunar Republic Society

Sounds cool.Actually I heard about this through when I'm on my way to college.They were talking about this crazy Australian lady who bought an acre of the moon for Shah Rukh Khan for his birthday every year.

      Friday, November 13, 2009


      Thursday, November 12, 2009

      My MSN sucks!

      Iman Khalida chose to ignore me.She's not replying. Or I didn't receive her reply. Or she didn't receive my reply .Or she just didn't reply =(
      So tiring to chat through MSN.
      I need to keep bugging people and asking them whether did they reply me.

      Monday, November 9, 2009

      Assignment Assignment Assignment...
      It's driving me nuts.
      And kids too.
      I'm left with my lil niece and she keeps blowing her balloons that makes weird noise.Gosh
      She's got nothing to do and she decided to come into my room and entertain me with balloons.
      ~Ms.Tiffany is as noisy as me~

      My bro is so funny. I noe I'm random. But i just knew he's my stalker on Facebook.
      He stalks my friends and now he's choosing target to tease me at home.He just can't accept the fact that I'm single =(
      He just don't get it.
      I got a crazy bro who's obsessed with Man Utd and his sis's life.(he don't read my blog XD).GREAT!

      -------BACK TO ASSIGNMENT----






      Thursday, November 5, 2009

      Today's a bad bad day.

      Bang my car.

      All my fault.

      Reckless driving.

      My two bro(Wilson and YJ) almost got hurt

      I feel so so so sorry

      Had a breakdown session in the toilet for 5 mins(for being such a silly me)
      thanks Jam for being there for me..
      Felt much better after that...

      Never ever gonna repeat the same mistake.Never ever never ever.

      Stopping at every traffic light showing red.


      Tuesday, November 3, 2009

      Poor lil blue birdy with colourful feathers and a beautiful red coloured ass.I found it lying motionless behind my car(I didn't kill it..) when I reached college.Ling Ling and me were figuring how to bury the poor lil blue birdie.But both of us were too afraid to go near it =(
      So we just leave it there...

      After break, the lil birdie's still there.So the we went to look again. And then there comes the HERO of the day.YJ(*clap clap*).He managed to bring the birdie away from it's death site and throw it to its burying site.
      Our HEROINE of the day.Regi(*a big round of applause + whistling*).She's the one who went to 'korek lubang' for the birdie.Yay.Dead birdie finally found its place to Rest In Peace.

      *SC stands for 'Si Ciao'in hokkien(dead bird)
      quoted from sanz