A Story To Be Told
It's my life. I will live like how I want to live it.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I am really grateful to be here with my closest friend and my dearest boyfriend. It's really really great because we are able to share this wonderful experience together. It's more than I could ever ask for, being there for each other at this wonderful place.. heaven! From Malaysia to UK, I'm really happy that you are here with me. I *hearts* you (smiles)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Twenty Two Love
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The awesome one
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Happy Birthday Tiffany and Glinton.
Your "aunty" ( gugu) wish you both grow up being a healthy , smart and good kid. Don't be so naughty and I won't scold and nag you both so often. XD.
I love the three of you no matter how much I scold and nag the three of you for shouting and screaming all the time. =)
The kids =)
All of us, credit to Mr.Photographer, Jin Tan Mee =)
Me, Bro and Mummy. I love this picha! Thanks baby. =)
Thanks for coming Lee Jamie and Alvin Yooo. The kids are real happy to see you both.
And he travels 36700000 cm to attend their party. Xie xie ni awesome pie =))
Sunday, February 26, 2012
"We don't choose a better person, we choose the one who makes us a better person"
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm so glad to have my supportive family members, buddies and best friends who are always there for me guiding me and supporting all these while. They supported me pass my stormy weather and finally I am able to find my rainbow.It's a great start of the year feeling really glad to have everyone being so supportive to me and leaving me feeling all happy and contented with my life again.
Thank you all so so much. I promise I will always be there for you guys too. I found a song to express my gratitude to you guys. ( Lyrics translation dedicated to banana Lee Jamie, dear dear bestie =) )
Pain, in my eyes it has become tears, in my heart it has become ashes
怕 被時間變成累 被想像變成悲
Afraid, that time will make me tired, turning what I have imagined to grief
Hope has all been crushed
When I feel uneasy I would sometimes break down, sometimes I would enmity
But you still strongly believe that love will continue to double
It has made me really touched and made me feel ashamed
謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
Thank you, each and everyone who love me
who have accompanied me to break and bravely wake up
from this journey in my life, which is the most like a nightmare,
當我的護衛 為我禱告心靈更強韌
(thank you) for being my bodyguards and for praying for me so that my heart will become even more robust
Thank you, each and everyone who love me
for letting me work hard so I'll be able to thank myself then for being honest
會想不通 或絕望到躲開
I would (sometimes) not understand or lose hope and hide away
但你們做的 總讓我想堅強負責任 為了愛重生
But the things you do always make me want to be strong and take responsibility and to be reborn for love
Heart, has broken away from the darkness of the night and is flying towards the blue skies
只為了 你一句我笑得 好美
我忍住了 太漫長的淚
I would hold in the long-lasting tears
It can be seen how much exhaustion you have hidden
But you still strongly believe that love will continue to double
It has made me really touched and made me feel ashamed
謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
Thank you, each and everyone who love me
who have accompanied me to break and bravely wake up
from this journey in my life, which is the most like a nightmare,
當我的護衛 為我禱告心靈更強韌
(thank you) for being my bodyguards and for praying for me so that my heart will become even more robust
Thank you, each and everyone who love me
for letting me work hard so I'll be able to thank myself then for being honest
會想不通 或絕望到躲開
I would (sometimes) not understand or lose hope and hide away
但你們做的 總讓我想堅強負責任 為了愛重生
Lyrics translation credit by :
English Translation by Transition @ AF Selina
Saturday, December 31, 2011
The last day of 2011 has finally arrived.
A moment that I have been waiting for quite some time now.
A brand new year, new beginnings, the happier and better me.
A new year - A new chance to change myself for the better, give myself a better life.
Reminiscing back 2011, it was an unforgettable year in my life, definitely - it was sweet,sour,painful,hurtful, mixed feelings and lots of tears. It really seem like a long long year. But things are now much better. I am much happier . Now that I have a chance for a new beginning, I am sure it is the beginning of something new and exciting. 2011 has definitely make me experienced a lot of stuff and I will learn and grow from it to become a better person.
I know I had made the right decision.
I know what is the best for myself.
Thank you for everything, everything.
I really hope you can be successful in everything you do, your studies, internship and just everything.
Have a happy and wonderful new year.
Here I come. *Runs happily*